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1. Butt U, Ahmad R, Aspros D, Bannister G. Factors affecting wound ooze in total knee replacement.  JBJS Br 2012 94-B:(Supp XIX)3

2. M. Kulkarni, V. Wylde, D. Aspros, I.D. Learmonth. Early clinical experience
 with a metaphyseal loading implant: Why have a stem?  Hip International 2006; 16 (1 suppl. 3):S3-S8. PMID: 19219814

3. R. Amirfeyz, D. Aspros, M. Gargan. Down syndrome. Current Orthopaedics
    2006; 20(3):212-215

4. Aspros & U. Butt. Clopidogrel and Surgical Delay in Patients with Hip
Fractures. The Internet Journal of Orthopedic Surgery. 2009 Volume 12 Number 1

5. Aspros D, Ananda-Rajan E,  Rajan R. Metatarsal Synostosis. A case Report. The Foot. Sep 2014

6. N. Keramaris, D. Aspros, S. Pneumatikos, E. Tsiridis, G. Kapetanos
Bilateral subtrochanteric fractures after long term use of biphosphonates
Presented at EFORT, Istanbul, 2013

7. D. Aspros, D. Thavarajah, M. Wetherill. Implementing NICE Guidelines on risk assessment for venous thromboembolism: Failure, Success and Controversy.
Presented at SICOT, Prague, September 2011

8. D. Aspros, D Thavarajah, M Yousif, P Mckenna
Does repeat MRI scanning affect management of surgical level decompression of the lumbarsacral spine?
Presented at SICOT, Prague, September 2011

9. D. Aspros, D Thavarajah, P Mckenna, R Marshall, T Andrade, S Iyer.
Should we biopsy discitis before commencing treatment? A prospective study of 34 discitis biopsy specimens.   
Presented at BOA, Dublin, September 2011

10. D. Aspros, D Thavarajah, M Yousif, P Mckenna.
Does repeat MRI scanning affect management of surgical level decompression of the lumbarsacral spine?
Presented at BOA, Dublin, September

11. H. Colaco, D. Aspros, SE James.
Does severity of lumbar stenosis on MRI correlate with outcome following decompressive laminectomy?                                  
Podium Presentation at the AAOS 2011 , San Diego, California, 16 February
Also presented at the South East Spine Club Annual Meating, Brighton, May 2010

12. D. Aspros, R. English, Z. Reyter.
Audit of the incidence of re-excision following breast conservation surgery for breast carcinoma.
Surgical Section of The Royal Society of Medicine. February 2009

13. D. Aspros, U. Butt, A Malik.
Management of hip fractures in patients on clopidogrel. 
European Orthopaedic Research Society, April 2008, Madrid

14. D. Aspros, U. Butt, B. Burston, RE. Gleeson.
The economic implications of  transfusion post primary Total Knee Arthroplasty. An argument for autologous blood transfusion.
Poster at EORS, April 2008, Madrid

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©2018 by Dr Dimitris Aspros, MRCSEd, FRCS, FEBOT.

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